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Education | Music | Passion


Remix, Re-use and Recycle

The ‘Environmentally Sound’ campaign developed by Walterwakefield and Spicers Paper Australia in 2007, promoted the environmental...

Green Music

If you are a musician, industry organiser, have a career that is indirectly involved in the music industry or simply love music and enjoy...

System 001

Image (Source) Landfill accumulating in our oceans is one of the most prevalent issues being discussed today, with immense difficulties...

Sydney Junkyard Orchestras

'Some people's junk makes music for others on the Central Coast' (Priest 2014). Following Favio Chaves' approach to music and recycling,...

Create Your Own Recycled Orchestra

Image: Markham 2013 Recycling music is just one way in which we can create an awareness of environmental sustainability in society today...

What about E-waste?

Image: City of Sydney 2018 Often, we don’t realise how easy it is to be environmentally-friendly. But thankfully, it is becoming easier...

The Last Straw

Source In the midst of a worldwide initiative to abandon single use plastic bags, Australian leading supermarket Woolworths last month...

Beached Whales Spray Painted In Protest

In 2016, five whale corpses washed up on London shores and two were spray painted by activists to highlight the agency we all have but do...

Increase In Sustainable Coffee Cups

We're so happy to see that reusable coffee cups are on trend now. Single use coffee cups have been described as a "silent catastrophe"...


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Kensington, Sydney Australia


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