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Green Music

Updated: Oct 6, 2018

If you are a musician, industry organiser, have a career that is indirectly involved in the music industry or simply love music and enjoy going to concerts and festivals, then you need to know more about Green Music and how you can actively take part in this movement!

Green Music Australia is a not-for-profit organisation that promotes environmental sustainability, acknowledging the impact the music industry has on our environmental footprint. (Source) It’s purpose is to bring about significant change through acknowledging the influential place of a musician in society, bringing about change through dress, food, actions and overall artistic content. As such, the musician is placed in the consequential position of “leading the way to a greener world”. (Source) Green Music incorporates all avenues to the music scene and is not exclusive to the musicians themselves therefore it is quite surprising how easy it is to partake in this movement! Whether you are the musician as an influencer, audience member attending events, production/ lighting, broadcasting, etc it is easy to actively make a difference.

A shift in the collective consciousness of today’s throw away society is crucial if we wish to ensure a future for this planet. Music and Art festivals provide the perfect platform to instil this behavioural and attitude change we want to see in the world. It is reassuring to see so many festivals from around the country motivated to achieving the same environmental goals. The collaborative approach will accelerate progress in the area. With the right intention and thoughtful action anything is possible.

Erik Lamar from Rabbits Eat Lettuce said in (Source)

The First Steps:

  • Awareness

  • Instead of buying disposable plastic bottles, bring your own.

  • When buying food, be mindful of the packaging it comes in and appropriately dispose.

  • Borrow camping gear, instead of buying new gear - most festival-goers abandon their camping gear among other things which end up going straight into landfill. (Source)

As the issues of environmental degradation and sustainability increase, the organisers of music events such as concerts and festivals are becoming more aware of the environmental footprint and are collaborating with Green Music Australia to decide the most effective and efficient ways in combatting the music scene’s environmental footprint. Concerts and festivals are the biggest contenders to the accumulation of trash and landfill, through single use plastic bottles, straws and food packaging. Generally the majority of festival-goers have a “strange disposable mentality” in that they disregard or abandon their rubbish. (Source) However, this year alone has seen more action than ever before in Australia, as more mainstream festivals are phasing out single use plastic. Large scale Australian festivals are all phasing out single use plastic this year, promoting and allowing patrons to bring their own equipment. (Source) Further to this, Australian festivals plan to abandon plastic straws and packaging with bio-degradable alternatives.

It will be exciting to see the success of Australia’s Green Music scene, as big actions like the ones taken this year will make it much more accessible for everyone to consider and partake in the movement.

Find out more about Green Music Australia here.

Author: Olivia Panetta

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